Artificial intelligence and deep learning technologies serve as vital tools for prioritizing workload when dealing with a huge increase in the intensive care units workload as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. An Israeli company has developed a ground-breaking, AI-based platform for patient monitoring and early detection of any deterioration in their medical condition. from i-HLS: Israeli AI-Based Technology to Help Prepare for Overload in Coronavirus Patients Treatment
Category: News
Calcalist: The Israeli Inventions That Lessen The Healthcare System’s Burden
Israeli innovation has been enlisted in the battle against Covid-19. Here are six technological inventions helping health personnel in their fight against the pandemic from Calcalist: The Israeli Inventions That Lessen The Healthcare System’s Burden
Healio: ICU Clinicians Turn to Artificial Intelligence to Prioritize Patients
Researchers said they have developed a novel tool that uses artificial intelligence to help ICU physicians ascertain if a patient does not require an intervention and intense monitoring — allowing them to focus instead on more critical or unstable patients. from Healio: ICU Clinicians Turn to Artificial Intelligence to Prioritize Patients
Using TeleICU powered by AI to combat the Coronavirus epidemic
COVID-19 has acted as catalyst for remote monitoring and intervention. Innovative telehealth and TeleICU systems that incorporate AI can help healthcare services scale to address the vast need resulting from rapid disease spread and sustained transmission, while improving triage and early intervention, thus saving lives and reducing the impact of this pandemic. from Using TeleICU powered by AI to combat the Coronavirus epidemic
itn: CLEW Brings Groundbreaking AI-Powered Critical Care Solution to U.S. Market
As Covid-19 spreads, healthcare resources — especially in ICUs will be pressured. Limited resources will need to be strategically leveraged/managed, and AI/predictive analytics may hold the key. from itn: CLEW Brings Groundbreaking AI-Powered Critical Care Solution to U.S. Market
NBC: WakeMed Testing Tech to Find Patterns in Patient Crises
WakeMed Hospital in Raleigh is one only two hospitals in the country testing a new technology which could help predict patient crises in the intensive care unit. from NBC: WakeMed Testing Tech to Find Patterns in Patient Crises
CLEW Brings Groundbreaking AI-Powered Critical Care Solution to US Market with Launch at SCCM 2020
Deployable from the bedside to a centralized command and control facility, CLEW uses artificial intelligence to improve the outcomes and safety of critically ill patients in TeleICU and Critical Care settings from CLEW Brings Groundbreaking AI-Powered Critical Care Solution to US Market with Launch at SCCM 2020
Healthcare Guys: Critical Transformation in Critical Care
The coming of age for big data and artificial intelligence in the ICU from Healthcare Guys: Critical Transformation in Critical Care
Dr. John Halamka Joins CLEW’s Scientific Advisory Board
Prominent healthcare technology pioneer to advise CLEW as the company expands its product offering across the entire continuum of care from Dr. John Halamka Joins CLEW’s Scientific Advisory Board
CLEW to be featured in a new episode of “Information Matrix”, with Laurence Fishburne
Featuring healthcare industry experts, the program will show how critical care units are using AI-Machine Learning to deliver true patient value from CLEW to be featured in a new episode of “Information Matrix”, with Laurence Fishburne